I just ordered a pair of 36DD rubber boobs with life-like skin and areolas, and even I think this is weird.
I just ordered a pair of 36DD rubber boobs with life-like skin and areolas, and even I think this is weird.
Whelp, that’s really all that needs to be said.
eSports become more and more like traditional sports everyday.
I don’t see how sharing a team’s strategy is illegal in eSports. It’s essentially the same as sharing game film with other teams in any other sport. I’m surprised teams don’t share replays with one another, or rather, it’s not common knowledge.
So what if you scrimmage against each other. Should be common knowledge how teams are playing. If you can’t change your strategy on the fly then you aren’t really that great of a team.
Coming soon to Steam... Bubsy? You remember Bubsy, right? It’s OK if you don’t. He was a—shall we say—less-than-beloved platforming mascot from gaming’s early days. A company called Retroism got the rights, and they’re trying to make it through Steam Greenlight. Good luck?
They’re making a 3D CG Gantz anime! That’s pretty much all we know at this point. Oh, that, and it’s coming out in Japan and slated for 2016. Stay tuned for more.
Watch these, folks.
Matches can fall apart for the dumbest reasons.
That’s actually quite tame compared to most toxic rounds in the game. When stuff like that happens I usually roll out the imaginary popcorn.
well to answer you to me it is the journey i like being strong,having all kinds of gear and gold but when it just handed to you it kill the game. there is nothing left to do. And i did once with an old toon play with moded weapons if was fun for a day then i did want to play any more. peace:)
Everyone remembers when predictions are right. z_z
A pro-tip I heard straight from a Rioter: it’s pronounced “ill-OW-ee.”
MOBA by definition is Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. So overwatch is a MOBA by the strictest of definitions.
Titanfall’s biggest issue was doling out content properly. They couldn’t release enough, on time, and steady enough to keep people interested. Splatoon later managed to succeed in those areas. (I know about the on disc content, but that isn't my point this time. My point is not enough shiny new things to keep people…
The most important thing to learn in the game isn’t a specific hero style. It’s teamwork, what counts in team battles, positioning, etc.. That you can learn pretty well with him.
It’s not about trying to replace a standard console controller with another standard console controller.
That isn’t true though. Gamepad’s just aren’t supported for some PC games. That’s at least one of the problems they’re aiming to fix.