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I think that’s a fair point, and obviously my perspective is colored by the fact that this is a SMURF account rather than a brand new account. But I’m not talking about how HOTS should be more supportive of smurf accounts—I don’t think it needs to be. These are problems that, in my view, affect actual new players like

Lamb is a strong, independent, half of one former being thing woman, and don’t need no other half of a former being man

Come, come, Smeagol will show you the way! The winding stair!

It looks like Konami have clearly looked at Activision’s business practices this year and thought “fuck it yeah, we can get in on this”.

Oh, this isn’t a mistake. This just how Code Geass’ art looks all the time.

On related note, one of my favorite tumblrs deals with this specifically on Sailor Moon. The redux just screams of quality:

This is not even a mistake because this is not a photograph, that is like saying every people in boxact who is not exactly upright is standing this way. by this logic majority of anime/movie/game boxart doesnt make sense

Taiga Sensei is a TITAN?!

Shinsekai. Osaka, Japan. By Patrick Young.

Why thank you.

Ol’ Goddy-Z putting on some pounds, I see. Just makes him cuter.

You guys don’t need a Jaeger when you can call the One-Punch Man!

Dawww, he’s just playing in the bath with his toy boats.

Now playing

Track: Noble Savage | Artist: Clutch | Album: Psychic Warfare

The only way he could have fucked up more, is if he poured gasoline on the fire. My favorite is putting cardboard and garbage on top of the fire, as he casually walked away to get a glass of water.

Can’t wait for the ‘Five Nights at Faheys’ game.