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Ah. Well, I thought you lost your last one due to the fire. Then I suppose in this case when all else failed you could try charizarding your next date...

Im sure its been said but ill go with the obvious to raging in Heroes of the storm.. peoplel who are coming from what i guess are other mobas and strictly go for kills, completely ignoring the objectives, even if constantly reminded.

O Josefine, my heart

Absolutely. You’ve already gone through all that, but if you’re interested I wrote a blog post about it a couple months ago: http://breakmylimits.com/how-do-i-be-my… As a society we tend to value consistentcy, but it’s really adaptability that gets us ahead. With how our brain works, both being consistent or adaptable

In coaching terms, we call it, “Acting as if.” Some people might feel like they’re not “being themselves” if they do that, but that’s just the brain freaking out because you’re moving out of your comfort zone (unless it’s a values issue, but that’s a different matter!)

It’s interesting you bring up that dissociation. I’ve seen recommendations to actually create a “persona” or character like an actor would for competing. The best example I know of is football/baseball player Bo Jackson from back in the day. He was apparently a really sweet guy off the field, but on the field he was a

The video that you saw was the opening cinematic. Most of the game is actually just a “Choose your own adventure novel” (just text) with Anime style art and occasional music. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is a great, well-known example of VN’s. They also tend to be much longer than most anime since they require fewer

I hope this question is coming from a good place and not, y’know, someone being mean for the sake of being mean.

I agree with a lot of this. Thanks for posting! And this part: ““oh, well maybe they had lag. or a new kb. or some excuse”

Play the for fun maps like 10v10. you will be surprised how much fun mobas can be when you just play wacky mods.

If I have any tips of my own for playing league without getting frustrated it would be learn how to mute someone and don’t get into chat fights. I get upset when people on my team do it to people who aren’t me. It’s demoralizing seeing your team rip itself apart. I can take criticism because I know when I messed up

If someone in a MOBA is getting mad at you, sometimes it is justified. The manner in which they are expressing it may not be. But, it should be a motivating factor for you to improve. It boils down to that. If you want people to get off of your back when you’re playing, play better. And if you truly feel you’re

Did you want your 3 year old to kill himself?

Things I do to stay sane in Hero League:

My main problem as a new dota player (45 games...most of them in the past week) is that, obviously I’m new, that’s why I’m playing with you low-skilled / low-ranked people. SO WHY ARE YOU SURPRISED IF I’M A BIT OF A NOOB? ;—;

Makes sense. Trying too hard is kind of pewdiepie’s thing.