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Patriot’s Edition.

Someone put Donald Trump’s hair on that thing.

It could be worse...

that is some ugly ass s**t!!

We got an intruder! (other one had too high camo rating for me to notice)

I liked Killer is Dead more than MGR ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I keep seeing people say how shit this game is and how much better the first one is, but I hated the first!
I love the anime and was super excited to play the game, but it controlled awful and the combat was bad. When I saw this I was hoping maybe they improved, but I guess not :(

I don’t even like DMC and I’d play the shit out of that

It was an abysmal joke, but he has a point in that it's worthless without $80 of DLC. I say this as a fan of the game with hundreds of hours on it.

Dude... The first afro game pretty muched ripped off the champloo game... There was a champloo game...

This rancid pile of manure gets a sequel and I can’t get a Samurai Champloo game? This world truly is a vale of tears.

I would play the shit out of an Afro Samurai game if it played like DMC.

Wow. I don't think I've read such a passive aggressive article from you. These guys must have really pissed in your Cheerios with this crap to get that treatment.

Hey hey hey. He said he will make up for past mistakes. He never said anything about not making new ones. I garuntee you Afro Samurai 3 will not have the same mistakes as 2.

I’m glad I didn’t get this game.. If they had released a physical version I probably would of by now being the Afro-fanboy I am.
I enjoyed the anime and I enjoyed the first game.
But after they announced a digital-episodic game for the sequel..I waited for people to speak up and talk about the game.
Boy oh boy..I’m glad

You can kind of do that with Google Cardboard. Either through Google Earth VR or Google is also working on VR tours of various important sites. The Google cardboard glasses are only like 15$ and pretty impressive.