I honestly didn’t read one whole sentence, I went straight to the pun-overflowing comments!
I honestly didn’t read one whole sentence, I went straight to the pun-overflowing comments!
It probably would have been impossible to find otherwise, is my guess. Hell, it’s sort of hard to find now, even though we know that it exists!
Personally, I find Sex highly overrated. Not nearly as amazing as the videos make it out to be. Besides, I have a hard time finding someone else to play with nowadays, and the single-player is significantly less interesting. You can tell they put much more effort in the co-op mode.
You only choose lane. You don’t choose champion before picks and bans.
The earliest relative humans existed as far back as two million years ago, and were probably having sex.
Slowtaku Strikes Again.
For beginners, I recommend using the Konami code.
no mention of viruses or trojans, or the fact that there is no standardized matchmaking system... ... ...am disappoint.
Personally I like the branching choices and variety of equipment that you can bring to each scenario.
Single player is more fast paced gameplay imo. Couch co-op requires a lot of coordination. If you didn’t get Marriage DLC of course, it’s like the whole other game, I heard it’s like hardcore rouge-like.
Multiplayer aspect of this thing is awful and matchmaking sucks. But I can solo anything it throws at me, so it’s ok.
More fun with 2 players. Single player just isn’t as good.
This is something I’ve wanted for so, so long. I will actually play ranked again if this makes it to live. RITO PLZ
DOTA 2’s first Valve-hosted major is happening in November. Valve is hoping to give pros a more reliable source of income by hosting multiple events throughout the year (instead of just The International). This one will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, with $3 million on the line. More details here.
if this actually hits live it will be amazing.
It’s been a very long time coming, but Riot Games is finally turning one of the most frequently requested…
Sonic fans sometimes have a notorious reputation among the general internet populace that we're terribly annoying,…