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you should do this kinda search for hollywood based and american tv show materials. you blush at your previous “oh well japan” remark.

also according to this link www.eatacock.org/or/growsomeneurons in a film the actors real age, gender or wtvr maters little if the aim of the fantasy being narrated is achieved. for

as with all things since the beginning of times:
- equilibrium is best.

what is the point of having space if you have no use for it? what is the point of having things you don’t use? the key, is having what you need and enjoy.

i don’t like laying down in hard floors, and i need places to keep my stuff, so some furniture

huh? who does? trim what? what is wrong with playing games all day? isn’t that what many would wish for instead of having to work for a living?=S

don’t look at it? they do it because other people like seeing their reactions as shit happens. sounds like you need others to fix YOUR problems. stop being an egoistical self centered bastard

woah you don’t say! your title and 2nd paragraph skills are amazing! idiot.

it’s a shit list apart from 2-4 entries no matter if it’s for beginners or all time best. and imho, when introducing someone to a medium, you show them the BEST IN THE MEDIUM, of as most genres as possible, so they find their preferences. and

so the cat is out of the bag now huh?

the problem is not it being weird or not, but rather that the cat will never go in the bag(ba-dun-tss) 70% of the individuals.

indeed. the evolution has been amazing since streaming entered the scene. it’s how money works lads and cupcakes, once it has taken root, all evil soon follows.

he did. he saw the queer antics of the gif and confused it weith the manlyness in jojo.

he doesn’t NEED to mention any gay in jojo, he said he saw these gay antics and said it looked like jojo. but problem is jojo does not look queer. hence rant.

yes, i keep my opinion he went full retard with his confusion.

i’ve seen

you misinterpret me completely. i have no issues with homos bro. you can suck dick or get ass fucked all day for all i care, i just find that confusing jojo with queer is offensive to any love of the art.

being gay is like having a penis. i’m ok with you having yours, but if you try to shove it in my face we will have

Yannick i challenge you:

step 1 - find some REALY extra hyper toxic people to play, i’m serious, gather the certified and sharp toxic-est people around. (toxic in the chat sense ONLY)
step 2 - make a custom and play with them, bear with me..
step 3 - play a good dozen games and tell them to be frank without fear of

actually scratch that, don’t go ranked at all. it’s better for all but particularly you.

play coop vs ai first. read guides afterwars or watch youtube videos, then go play. start in blind pick ONLY. then move to draft. and when you are comfortable go ranked.

because saying “you have gone full retard” is such an offense on the internet. it’s not like it’s a meme or something.
plus, questioning someones sexuality, specially coming from the complete stranger perspective, only really impacts those whose doubts already existed. the rest just shrugs to it. or well, mature adults

rofl now that’s a sport.. boring, but still sportsmanship at its finest!

you are just putting words in my mouth for one, and completely not understanding what i said in the first place secondly.

to be able to confuse a show highlighting manlyness with something so queer as cosplay of female anime characters was what i was calling him out for, not you stupid made up associations. and the

1piece of crap? not even a mention of Legend of the Galatic heroes, this list is a joke and shit. has 1-3 good mentions and the rest are FAR from the best.

for correcting his view on jojo to the unanimous view on it vs his polar opposite? nah. i’m pretty comfortable with my preferences oh pride-cat-avatar one.

PS: cats do not go gay, that’s a fantasy breed, not a dying one.

jojo is an ode to manlyness. this singer is more like an anthem to gay men. and confusing the 2 by mixing them up is clearly the result of some wild stupidity coupled with queer inclinations.

don’t worry, someday you will be able to get things on your own, you special little you!^^

you confuse the hyper-manlyness with queer, hmm. i can’t decide on which terms to pick for the flame, fucking 1st world problems. just know you have gone both full retard and if you are hetero, some of your life problems can be explained by untapped gay feelings.