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your comment is just stupid. it’s not funny, it’s not trollish, it’s just dry and stupid.

do you have such a need for reading comprehension or is there some ghost comment i can’t see that is supporting my viewpoint?

i agree with everything but fuck retail. seriously, back in the 90s they had the almost monopoly but now? fuck them 2x and bend them over until their hole is bigger than themselves.

physical copies made sense when there were no mandatory installs but now it makes more sense to just get the cheaper-for-everyone(consumer

i dislike DmC and what i stands for. i had much time wasted in flaming it and people defending it xD but obvious troll is obvious ^^

the disorder only makes it hard to fall asleep. doesn’t alter the amount of time i sleep. i’m good with 6-8h. but that wasn’t the ontopic. once i fall asleep i’ll sleep fine until either someone wakes me up (alarms don’t do it most of the time) or enough hours have passed, which will vary depending on how tired i was.


i could, i did, and i probably will again sometime in the future (sadly). but yes, i don’t think many people are able to withstand this level of recurrent sleep deprivation.

i could drive fine and other mundane tasks were fine. boring situations are frustrating, for one, you really feel tired, but i cannot fall asleep

too tryhardy, 4/10 b8. troll is more or less on par tho.

Tolito, DevilMayCry3 or 4 would like a word with you... (try DMC4:SE since it came out last and recently) oh and don’t bother with the easier difficulties, they are just a tutorial. DanteMustDie and upwards are quite easy

PS: totally not trolling and being 100% honest >)

i have pulled consecutive 3h sleep full days over and over and over, while also walking for a large part of said days. granted i’m a lot younger than him and it did wear me down ofc, but it is feasible. for a sedentary lifestyle all the more so, as i’ve pulled that too for months. but i don’t recommend it. it will

dat gif is gold, GOLD!

why are you telling me this?

check the item changes. you will cry..

war may not change but the Rift is in for a VERY big change.. but at least we get more AD item varieties, because so far APs had a billion items and paths to customize and AD had 2 or 3 builds to make (pure ad, the bruiser ad+tankyness types had the tanky side to mix an match more).

AD kayle? hybrid kayle is going to be downright scary. i think it’s gonna be like trynda was a long time ago, kill all you can while your ult’s up and run away xD

yes i have. most of the glasses wearers can play in VR without them or with contacts. there’s still plenty of those who can’t..

let’s study the word “disappointed”. your assumption is that the product could cater to you if you are to be let down for that not happening, so the issue lies on YOU because that’s a stupid

let me get this straight, you read statements saying they were considering your people and because not much progress has been shown so far, despite not even the 1st consumer versions being available, you decided to cry about it?

do you still not realize that:
1- you are crying about a still non existing product in the

no it is not. since sales/profit impact is usually non-existent. there are various levels for anger and measuring them though forum cry isn’t a good metric since that’s something so easy to do, and still if we take volume of cries into account, that still backs my metric.

you haven’t been around forums much have you?

you are trying to express boredom, but your continuous replies instead of ignoring tell another story bruh

PS: dunno who that is

ahahahaah pop idol gif responses! so not only are you ignorant and dumb, you ALSO have bad taste! naice. it will be so much fun to call you little idiots out in a few years once you are proven wrong ^^

yeah. and despite this comments being buried and forgotten by then, you will still be wrong ^^
don’t worry, there will likely be booths at malls where you can try thing and feel ashamed for being ignorant or in denial until it eventually implodes.

also, why is a casual even talking about hardcore experiences? candy