
“brought vast advances in literacy, health care, and overall quality of life to Cuba”

I pity you for wearing your ignorance like some kind of badge of honor.

Regressives, your mission is clear. First start by describing the terrorist as a WHITE Somalian like how George Zimmerman was described as a mythical WHITE Hispanic. Then, like how Hispanic was dropped and George was just a white guy, the same can be done with Abdul Razak Ali Artan.

Anybody who would buy or wear one of these deserves to die in a fire.

Wonder how Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki’s family feels like when sites like this think Donald using some bad words is worse than Barry murdering an American child without Due Process.

Yet the extremely low rated and aesthetically unappealing show Girls lasted multiple seasons.

What does Scott Walker have to do with this? Did he view Robert KKK Byrd as a mentor? Oh that was Hillary.

He also had “white face” on too. He painted his face white. Adorable that you conveniently missed that.

Any chance Deapspin will cover Hillary’s flat out lie about Heller being about toddlers?

According to 3rd wavers, the Trump statue was PC but the Hillary statue is SEXIST because reasons.

The only thing more offensive than Chief Wahoo is Elizabeth Warren lying about being an American Indian as a way to gain money and power.

The saddest thing about Azealia is that she does not have a single family member or friend willing to help her be institutionalized for her obvious severe mental illness.

You know who else found Trayvon’s shooting justified? A jury.

The business side IS important. Look at all the science deniers that claimed there would be zero arctic ice by September 2016. Imagine if the civilized world took those fear mongerers seriously.

So it is ok for Gabrielle and Jezebel to type, “The N- Word” but not ok for somebody non-Gawker media related to verbalize, “The N- Word”?