
The movie is about 40% better than the trailers indicated, which still puts it behind the first Paddington, being about 100% better than the trailers indicated.

You don’t need to see the other two to follow the (nonsensical) plot, but they are a must if you want to feel underwhelmed.

Allen married Soon-Yi Previn in 1997, and she was never his adopted daughter.

Why would it be misogynistic? It’s egalitarian. If the men have to go through ridiculous workout regimes to become enormously buff, why not apply that same standard to the women? It makes more sense for Carol Danvers to be ripped than Star-Lord.

I seem to be in the minority but I thought he should have been at least nominated for Revolutionary Road.

That would be 32. Not ‘32.

This is exactly true, the way memory works is that it’s tied to imagination. Memories and perception are always altered and changed over time. This has lead to a number of false sexual assault/molestation accusations over time.

I miss the New Cult Canon. I miss the pre-content farm days of the AV Club.

Can you honestly say that Captain America, as portrayed in the majority of the MCU movies, is nothing but a bit of rah-rah America-is-always-right jingoism? He spends most of the second movie on the run *from* his own government, which he proves has been infiltrated by the descendants of Nazi-like villains.

Really, really going to miss this column. It’s the last of what the AV Club used to be like. Very excited for your Age of Heroes column next!

It’s an inconvenient, uncomfortable movie about uncomfortable people who can be very ugly to each other and leave a lot unresolved. You are supposed to feel uncomfortable finding humanity in Rockwell because of how viscerally loathsome he was for the first half - I know I was uncomfortable. I also know it all felt

Again, the racist cop gets fired for his violence (by the new police chief, who is black) and then gets half his face burnt off. If someone wants to see a racist cop suffer then it’s all there.

The amount of people here saying “I haven’t seen the movie yet, but here’s what I think about it” is embarrassing.

He gets fired and gets half his face burnt off. It’s not as though the film does not ‘punish’ him.

this whole outrage as the new and undisputed form of social currency is wearing me thin, I tell ya.

Jeez... I love film criticism... and I’m progressive... but we’re getting to a horrible social media version of the era when every single book and play was filtered through a feminist and racial critique. (Thankfully, Twitter users aren’t getting to the Marxist criticisms yet.) I don’t think these are bad approaches,

The idea that it’s “offensive” to suggest we might see our preferred cultural targets as anything less than one-dimensional monsters is a reminder that when people say they like art that’s “challenging” and “subversive”, they don’t really mean it.

So, we complain about the trend of movies bowing to audience expectations, and then we slam movies for not being as woke (or the wrong kind of woke) as we expect them to be?

What is there to admit? They applied makeup to actors so that they look like other people. These are people who pretend to be other people, professionally.

“we all know that Oprah would probably be a great president”