Ruthlessly Absurd

Uh huh.

Even if you think Wagner is meh, I assume that's not because of his rabid anti-Semitism. Hell if we're ruling people out by their anti-Semitism I'd have to get rid of pretty much all 19th century artists, and everything Martin Luther did for Christianity, etc.

Even leading aside the absurdity of holding the crimes of the artist against the art (the fact that I'm Jewish doesn't make Wagner's ring cycle a worse opera, does it?) you do realize that Chinatown was made several years before he committed any crimes, right?

Heh, nicely played. And yeah, apparently all comic book movies must be padded

We're kidding here, right?

…for being a great movie?

As our awards show cognoscenti insist!

Yeah and in my state you couldn't drive after 9 when you first got your license too

For some, sure. But for others, not. I feel the same way about suburbia as I do about war movies. War is hell shouldn't be the only message movies are allowed to convey. One of the things I found so interesting about The Hurt Locker was that it took an interestingly pro-war stance. Not pro-Iraq, but pro war as an

Hooray! A movie about suburbia that doesn't depict it as a place of HIDDEN EVIL

I totally believe that. Judd Apatow is really a big offender — there are very, very few comedies that need to be more than 120 minutes

Oh Dan, you child.

Hey I got you to write in normal sentences. Victory.

Remember your arrogance and intolerance every time you marvel at the fact that 53 million people voted for Trump

Okay good to hear, thanks!

True, true. But I think Men in Black (which is the most direct parallel to GotG I can think of) was wise to wrap things up in a slick 98 minutes. I think comedies should virtually never be 120+

Honestly, no it doesn't. Because I recognize that people — particularly in the past — don't share my views, and as someone who has studied history all my life, I don't think they make the story worse. Wouldn't it also be a bit boring if everything was scrubbed and sanitized to meet our standards?

Ohhh pshaw don't try to make this about culture. This isn't about a place. The taste-makers of internet moviedom are all liberal. And it's suffocating sometimes. I'm left-wing and its suffocating. There should be multiple accepted viewpoints among smart movie fans.

136 minutes? Sheesh. Chinatown manages to wrap up its intricate brilliance in 5 minutes less

I see what you're saying about Wagner. Fair distinction. However, let's then say And Then There Were Done. Overtly anti-Semetic and takes place on an island called N-word Island. Hell of a mystery though