I don't think one part should always be in control so if the people have spoken (whether they voted or not) then that's the end of it. The truth is that I am completely annoyed with the democratic party right now. To the point where I jumped ship and went independents. Some jumped ship and voted republican and that…
You think those serial masturbating males who get caught on subways and in parks giving it a pull in front of or around strangers could use that as a legal defense in court?
If you focus on the one part of the book when she was seven and harmlessly curious it's not a big deal. When you read further it starts to become clear that she feels that it is normal to psychologically manipulate and sexually exploit her sister and she did this up until 17 when she stopped sleeping in her bed.
Holy smokes. That sounds even worse than I thought. She psychologically screwed her poor little sister apparently for quite some time. Wow. Why does the article gloss over this?
It's in the book. The article COMPLETELY ignores that chapter and focuses on the more harmless story.
Actually, she used "sexual predator" to describe the tactics she employed to get her little sister to hang out with her.
Hadn't heard about that, and from my reading, I've got to say that it's a bit of a stretch to call what was described as being a sexual predator.
Say what?!
The Dalai Lama is a greedy hypocritical opportunist and a liar so it seems like a match made in heaven to me. I'm sure he won't mind pocketing that money, and if any of you think he's naive and in the dark about the details of this partnership and who exactly Lululemon is, you are mistake.
Wait, her husband physically abused her but because she's still married to him you don't think it counts as 'suffering'?
You you believe her when she says she made it up, but not when she said it happened?
If you truly think she's a liar why believe her now? You try to paint me with bias but yours is showing. Maybe she's lying now because she was pressured to take back what she said.
You don't have to believe me, but I believe her.
Forget what I SAID, focus on what SHE SAID.
People don't realize just how broken a lot of these 'stars' truly are. They also don't realize how sleazy Hollywood truly is. A lot of parents would do anything to make their children a star and that includes turning a blind eye to the creeps they give their children to.
If anyone couldn't tell this woman was suffering from PTSD they must have been blind. It was finally crashing in on her after holding it back for so long and she tried to use drugs to deny and resist the truth.
Stanley suggest that Shonda Rhimes' characters are a reflection of her — but only the black ones. Because of course a black woman cannot write about other black women without being inehrently autobiographical. Apparently, we are not afforded the same creative ability as literally every white man in Hollywood.