Rusty Elbows

Nailed it.

Pleasure was all mine.

You mean you HAVEN'T heard the rumors about his connection to Geffen and being one of the 'Geffen babies' back in the day?

Risk you take when you bandit and the person who's bib you copied finds out. If it's too much of a risk then fill out the application on time and do things the usual way. Otherwise...don't whine if you get caught and plastered everywhere for it.

you're totally right! it should be 100 % acceptable to make videos that mock the murder of Trayvon Martin.

Have you ever made a mistake, Joe? Think hard about this one.

That's Chris Klein's baby.

Mediocre try, buddy.

What you are describing is prostitution. That's not what happened here. You do understand that an employer is not legally allowed to request sexual favors in exchange for work, right? He offered her Vogue magazine work for sex and in this country you can't do that because of the obvious exploitative position that

Okay - but what is this procedure called ?

Sorry I should have edited that comment and said 'transgender' not 'transexual'. I just copied that portion of her title along with her name from the older article I found.

Now playing

Oh and here is a person who had their ribs broken and pushed in. Famous transsexual Amanda Lepore. Pay attention to the TV interview at exactly 01:25.

I know the floating ribs are the lower ribs I said that. Clearly in fact. I also said once again that they are broken and pushed inwards not broken and detached. Once again...It's not that much different from what happens during Tightlacing:

By dubious cosmetic surgeons in third world countries mostly. I'm talking about the false/floating ribs...the eleventh and twelfth ribs. Not the ones connected to the sternum/breastbone. They are broken by pushing them inward and no you won't have lumpy looking ribs because you won't see them. You can barely see them

These days they don't even need to remove them. Believe it or not, they are often broken and PUSHED inward. I kid you not.

There's certainly a very long history of hate-speech to blur the definition of Black men with sex-crazed uncontrollable rapist. Hollywood itself has a VERY long history of doing that and even celebrating films that promote such notions (D. W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation for example) but that's really here nor there.

But to be honest, do you really think it would be such a big deal if he were throwing parties with young women?