Rusty Elbows

A woman named Beautiful Existence started a 365-day challenge for herself in 2013 to eat nothing but the food served at Starbucks.

"You know what makes me happy, ladies and gentleman?
To blow a mallard drake's head smooth off"

Of course the songs aren't exactly the same but I disagree that only one honors the shuttle tragedy and the other doesn't (or dishonors all those involved). I think that one does so more directly and the other does so in a more abstract manner so you may have to think a bit more about the message.

People know this, though.

The Left are just as hypocritical about free speech as the Right.

I support Phil's right to say what he did, but I also would understand if he got fired for it since he said it as a representative of A&E in an interview regarding his show. To be honest, I think we give way too much power to the words and opinions of

I won't shoot you, I'll dismiss your comments from my post. That probably works a lot better since you seem to be having a discussion that I'm not a part of.

You feel about semantics as much as I do about people making assumptions. You brought Phil into this, not me. I don't even know why we're specifically talking about him at all.

You tried to draw a parallel between the Duck Dynasty scandal and Beyonce.

"I took your original post as a knock against everyone who came to Phil Robertson's defense & rallied behind 'free speech'."

You're surprised there's not more internet media outrage for an album that came out in 1999? We still had AOL internet disks back then!

What does that have to do with those in the public eye who support free speech and are against the 'PC agenda' standing up for her when she comes under fire?

Those "six seconds of audio" were literally the worst moments of someones life. I can not imagine how the humans that lost their loved ones feel hearing that, and then seeing Beyonce leaping and bouncing around an amusement park.

As an artist I'd have to disagree with you. Everything around you is fair game in terms of your artwork, even if it makes people uncomfortable. Even if it is offensive to others. Art is supposed to challenge after all and at times if people aren't talking about your work then you're not doing it right or you are doing

Disrespecting or dishonoring the victims and their families would seem pretty malicious to me. This could be easily done had the lyrics been offensive or controversial but they weren't. It's a love song.

As I said, she wasn't mocking or devaluing the Challenger disaster, victims, or families and merely used two lines

Well why do you say that she was not honoring them? How did she trivialize the tragedy? She certainly did not mock them and in the context of the song, she was using it as a reference to the fear of losing something you love and having no control over it or the limited time we have together with those we love.

Kenny G.

He used audio from the Challenger disaster for his 'Auld Lang Syne: The Millennium Mix' in 1999.

I dont think it would matter who it was. I think anyone would be criticized.

How so?

[Music video introduction (pilot):]
Flight controller here is looking very carefully at the situation.
Obviously a major malfunction.

Don't worry Bey!
The 'Free Speech' and 'anti-PC' crowd will come to your rescue!