
That’s honestly one of the biggest and most important differences between the republican and democratic parties at this point. All platform differences aside, the democratic party still holds their representatives to *some* standard of competency and general decency. From day one of Biden’s first run, democratic

Absolutely nuts to think that a guy currently in the midst of a $46B grift is only the #2 con man in the US. We really are in the bad timeline.

Didn’t even read the article, just scrolled the picture. Because goddamn can MB make a gorgeous car when they want to.

I’ll be honest. I don’t hate the interior as much as I want to. If this thing were more cowboy-truck-coded than.. whatever it’s supposed to be, I feel like those seats would be peak.

Also tends to bump up their stock prices, as for whatever reason investors still like to pretend to believe him.

My first vehicle was an ‘88 Ford Ranger bought in 2002 for $800. It had been used on a farm for its entire life, had likely never been washed, and it was in better condition than this.

And on top of that, the form is hideous!

It was unbelievable to me that people could fall for the absolutely batshit Q nonsense in the first place, but the fact that I STILL occasionally see cars with shiny new Q stickers literally makes my head hurt. But some people still believe the Earth is flat, so I guess there’s no comprehending the depths of human

The unfortunate truth is it isn’t that simple. As I read somewhere a while back, “What people think of as the South, or the middle of nowhere, is really just 30 miles outside of any major city”. I live squarely in northern Massachusetts and I worry every day that New Hampshire will go to Trump in 2024, just based on

Imposter syndrome is where you feel like you’re underqualified in a situation where you’re actually perfectly competent. This is more like the Dunning Kruger effect. You’re not competent enough to understand that you’re underqualified.

Another stable genius, for sure

“he believes there will be a million people living on Mars in 20 years”

Isn’t it crazy how scared they are of pretty much the entire modern world? They like to frame it as angry or indignant (if they knew what the word meant), but really they’re just scared little bitches lashing out at anything they don’t understand. It would be sad if it weren’t for the people in power encouraging them

I just wish they didn’t feel the need to slightly soften all of the edges and corners for the E-Tron models. It looks like a Q5 that melted a little bit while parked uphill.

Can we send him up to handle it personally?

Eh. Illegal U-turn when traffic isn’t bad? Kind of a dick move to pull someone over. Maybe flash the lights to say “I saw that”. Holding the phone on speaker instead of using bluetooth? I do it sometimes. Despite driving a ‘23 Honda with bluetooth and Car Play, sometimes the communication between the car and phone is

I agree that those are legitimate problems, but they are also solvable without a continuing trend of general population growth. I guess I was a little overly general when I said I never understood “ANY” concern over declining birthrates. I mostly just meant in terms of the doom-sayers that purport to believe that it

I’ve really never understood ANY concern over declining birthrates. Humanity isn’t a company that needs to be more profitable every year to justify its existence. Objectively, what would be a bigger problem is if our population were to outpace the ability of the planet to sustain human life. Which would be the logical

I’m not trying to have any “accidents”

I guess the ethics program didn’t cover not killing whistleblowers..