
Yea, and after the 3rd straight day of exposure, it begins to kill you.

Too bad you can't photograph a soul. But then again, there's some clever people in here.

Try telling that to stubborn old people.

Wert, get your ass on the right side of the road...or left

At first, I thought they just got some bum's thoughts on the whole thing...then, I was like...."oh"

Beige on Beige crime!!

Kill or smother any?

The funniest "Star in a reasonably priced car" bit, to me, was soccer player Ian Wright's lap. Had me genuinely laughing my ass off. Guy is a maniac. Everyone should see that one

anyone know what gruesome cartoon is at about 57 seconds into the clip?

"...made out of teeth....and jelly"

Goddamnit...I have BBC America and it's still not playing new episodes. And my laptop's connection is so slow, it takes 5 hours to download the whole thing. fml

Hell no. Those tail lights are awesome...and the grille is just classic Aston Martin..

Asians always look like that.. like they're about to karate chop your face off

It would have been bad if he was also texting at the same time or doing some other stupid shit while weaving through traffic (which would have been amazing to pull off, actually) but he was fully aware of his surroundings. Nothing wrong here. Onward.

Payback for what we do to Hondas over here?!

Jump that shit, Kobe

That guy has a very punchable face..

Oh my god that is just....fuck