
@Se7en_speed: Automatic +10pts. Maybe a points multiplier for our Kotaku friends.

I dont have any Russian jokes, but I will say this-

This thing is so fucking badass. I'll be one of the first buyers.

Wow, Vizio has really rose from the trashes. They're actually a respectable brand now.

HOW much is this car?

@rxe7en: One step closer to shooting fireballs from my eyes, and lightning bolts from me arse!

Kill it with fire.

@snownpaint1: I see you have completed your mission. Well done, grasshopper. Well done.

This is a non-issue. Because there will be no more humans in space soon.

@Pwnage: Maybe there IS something to this whole "robots are taking over" idea :o

@yoda2: Damn, every time i see the wreck I cringe a little. I wonder what Mask looked like after this wreck...

@snownpaint1: You must divise a plan to break into the Giz headquarters. Once you're in, say hi to Rosa for me....then, back to business. Find this Mr. Johnson you speak of.

Yes, but does it kill men by the hundreds? And consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse?

Not surprising how the one on the far left is going right for the nuts...and bolts.

@BmXtHiEf6969: Yea, I tried making a spelling correction once and got grilled by everyone....probably because I don't have a star. But hey, a mistake is a mistake.

All I got out of this is that GT5 is a overhyped, over-praised piece of garbage with sucky AI and horrible realism involving high speed crashes and rollovers. And Forza looks better.

@472CID: You should just know.