
pizzazz is too ethnic

That's completely insane

I've done way worse stuff for no money

i like the way you talk

he talks good

Juicing is stupid, wasteful, and worse than just drinking water.

Seeing these maniacs and their bullshit companies exposed and destroyed is very satisfying.

Life is weird, man.

Well said.

Man, I remember being on the field in Little League talking about how much we love Soundgarden.

I'll be blasting Soundgarden, especially their cover of Spinal Tap's Big Bottom.

I feel nothing.

They should've had the revolver gun Emoji, standing by himself off to the side, creeping everyone out.

who is requesting these updates

Blandness is not a sauce

It's always my backup plan.

Typical white male response.

You are dumb.

AV Club has become the fidget spinner of the internet.
