
I prefer the phrase 'Sweet like bear meat'

Subtweeting someone on Instagram is candy ass.

Remember yesterday when people were viciously defending the actors, and today everyone is blaming them for the movie not being good enough?

You are blaming actors for production decisions and bad writing.

What does the actor have to do with how a character is written or directed?
I'm a fan of the actors in this movie. Leslie is awesome.

Maybe $300 million was too much to spend on a movie no one wanted?

Scott Eastwood.
It's super surprising to see any negativity from The Rock.
Probably a joke or just busting balls.
I feel like The Rock would call someone Captain Candy Ass to their face, before calling them out on Instagram

Do you just make random comments that don't make sense?
Are you just trolling people who don't seem excited enough?
I'm genuinely confused.

That's awesome.
She's going to be the most fun correspondent they have.
I can't wait.

I really really tried to support the shows I watch using these terrible advertisement torture sites like Hulu, but I give up.

Finally a brave blogger comes to this poor, weak, girl's rescue!

I feel like it would be awesome to get to play the character.
Looks like she had fun.
Hopefully she got paid lots of money, too.

Did you even read the article, or at least the headline?
I guess not.

This generation needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, just like Trump did!

All he did was act tough in movies.
How does that qualify him to act tough?
He hasn't done shit in sixty years.

No, that's why they are called rights.
Nice try, though.

I don't remember anything about Clint Eastwood in our history books.
Not really sure he had anything to do with defeating Hitler.

They gave themselves that name!
That's like trying to get everyone to call you T-Bone

The "greatest generation" allowed Hitler to rise to power.
That was eighty years ago.

South Park made this point a long time ago, and it's still true.
We see people get there fucking heads chopped off on the evening news.