
The Heroin epidemic is very real.
A massive new wave hit a few years ago when they made Oxy pills harder to crush. Heroin was a cheaper, easier alternative.

I feel like you entirely missed the point of her post, and showed why it was necessary.
It's not like she ranted about Hillary's emails or Trump's Mexico Wall.
This is about bullies and incompetent authority figures murdering actual real human people.

Is it that hard to believe that a 30 year old could be attending college classes?

There's only one man that can save this town.
Dean Norris.

Abbies probably eat bugs and plants.
Part of their evolution was adapting to climate.
They are very warm blooded, and their increased body temperature allows them to survive.
Megan should've at least had headphones on to explain why she didn't hear the cage opening. It's disgusting listening to those beasts anyway, it

This was a great episode.
I really liked seeing CJ's story, and learning more about this world through his eyes.

I love this show so much, but still have not finished the last season.

Yeah, Lost was hugely successful.
Maybe it gained a cult following, as opposed to being forgotten later.

The first season was like looking through a keyhole into the Fringe world.
It became one of the greatest shows ever as more of the story was revealed.

He should have tried to throw that movie into a flaming dumpster.

Funny People was unforgivable.
He gave up after SNL.

For what

Wayward Pines is tonight

Perfect time of year for a rewatch!
I'm gonna cheat and watch 'Remedial Chaos Theory' first

Something about a loathsome beast being disgusting, then I realize I'm not watching youtube at all… it's a mirror

Darkest Timeline.

We only wear it at the meetings

How did you make this political?
Fuck off.

Watching Twin Peaks for the first time.
I have no excuse for taking this long to get to it.
I'm on episode 6 and it's already one of my favorite shows ever.

Also works anywhere.
Also, the police and government can now disable your phones.
This was a terrible mistake.