
But, they can be removed.

I feel like they could just tell us that in the article, especially with such a great host, instead of entire paragraphs explaining a concert or police procedural.

Can't you just tell us who is on SNL this week?

Yeah, I liked Cavemen.
I still have all the episodes saved.

Nah, sounds like you're an asshole.

What a fuckin turd this guy is.

I'm still against it.
The writers like to shit on an entire season before it even comes out, then way at the bottom, mention they've only seen two episodes.


"Don't be dramatic" - Norma Bates

that is a pretty good deal

So it's only $160 instead of $180 per month to get HBO.

As a single, lonely adult, I'm sure it's fine to watch this alone at night after a terrible day.

They showed the tape recorder when he pulled it from the garage.
You should watch more closely.

Spoilers for another great show are kind of a dick move.

tell that to the galaxy Messier 104

Dead Man Squawking

Have you seen the Godfather Epic, the 7 hour HBO cut?

Yep, Cruz and his supporters are a classy bunch.
Always saying nice things to people.

Yeah I thought about that.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but he was pretty conservative with the warning shots.

Probably because fucking weirdos like you say shit like this:
"You got some hate dripping down your chin."