

This sounds unbearable.
Chefs are some of the worst people you can meet, and now they want to be philosophers.

People get high as fuck on prescription medication every day.
You have really never heard of Xanax, Oxy, Valium, Adderall, etc?
Bayer invented heroin.
Adderall is clean crystal meth.

Fuck off completely.

People don't abuse other drugs?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I feel like you either have no clue, or you are a troll.
You really need the government to hold your hand?
Why do you think Heroin and Oxy abuse is such a problem?

I've met one decent budtender.
The rest were completely worthless.

I was talking about opiates - Herion, Morphine, Methadone, etc.
Invented by pharmaceutical companies and 'regulated.'
Drug companies and the FDA are looking out for your best interests, right?
Keep being naive.

If only a respectable pharmaceutical company would take these flowers and create a concentrated and injectable form of the drug.
That has worked out so well in the past.

Do you have any other factoids that have been fabricated by your dull imagination?
Can you believe that people grow weird flowers, and make medicine out of it?
Crazy right?
What the fuck do you think opioids are?
Fuck off back to the Fudge Report, dipshit.

It is.
Not kidding.

Maybe someone could teach him how to smoke first.

In California, I sat on a couch next to a Bob Marley painting and talked to the Doctor for 5 minutes.
Michigan is slightly more professional about it.
So… slightly more difficult and expensive than getting regular mind-altering pharmaceuticals.

Never trust a budtender!
That's like trusting a car salesperson.
99% are just trying to move inventory, do not care, or both.

You'd also have a bad time if you downed a tube of KY or Monistat.

I feel like you 100% made that up.

Fuck off. That's what I meant.

No thanks

Isn't that why we are all here?
The AVC is a celebration of all types of nonsense.

Permission is not necessary.

Hey, this turd is not with us!