
So… the Carmen Sandiego gritty reboot is a go?
I can't wait!

I need those rubber ducky socks!

Yeah I already saw this episode of Family Guy.
You do not mess with James Woods.
You will not win.

Loved Black Mirror since it debuted in the UK in 2011.
'Series 7: The Contenders' and Utopia are also great shows go well with Black Mirror.

Utopia was excellent!

The opening line caused me to turn off the show.
"It's Friday night, and you're in the comments section!"
It's sad enough as it is, without this show pointing it out.

No permission is required.

I think they are referring to the joke about Sleeping Beauty being drugged by Cosby.

I bet the house has secret tunnels, like on Webster.
Maybe a secret entrance so the creeper's visits can go unnoticed.

Who buys a $1.3 million dollar house in New Jersey?!?
This IS a scary story!

She's nearly 33 years old.

If you're into that

Apparently the Documentary Now! Dronez episode has been postponed indefinitely due to the violence yesterday

Sounds perfect

We do, and then we talk about it here with like-minded motherfuckers!
Yes, I have wasted my life!
Yes, I feel very guilty about it all the time!
Now, back to binge watching Six Feet Under in solitude because there isn't shit on tv tonight!

Please, no more publicity for this unbearable fuck.

I think we are all most interested in the life of this Stefano Ferrari character.

How many times can he accidentally hit something with his tail?

They look nice but they aren't!

How about an angst-ridden young lady named Coral?
Dammit, Corrrrrrrrall!
I think it works.