
What if it was a spam bot?!?

Yeah same here. You don't have to lie at all.
I was very honest, and I think they gave me the recommendation just to get rid of me.

Just pay a few bucks and get a medical card!

I really like all those shows, except for TVD - only because I've never watched it.

I also feel that way.

I think I understand.
I hate everything about myself.
All the negative thoughts will manifest themselves.
Everything I have always believed about myself has come true.
I cannot stand the sight of my own face.
We have mandatory staff photos next week at work, and I would rather quit than have my picture taken.
I can't even

Even though I don't know you, I understand how you feel and can pretty much guarantee that you are wrong about being inferior.

I understand that.
I even feel sorry for Wil, and he's married, successful, and well liked.
I'm basically the opposite of that.

It's very brave to admit this. I'm glad he is open about it.
Many people believe that this affliction can only get worse, and will avoid the sufferer, causing things to get much worse.
Specifically a wife/husband.

It's just a feeling that no one is as fucked up as you are.
That combined with no social contact for weeks/months/years at a time creates a uniquely lonely and hopeless situation.
So that's where I'm at.

I can't even stand people that watch Californication.

It was still enjoyable until the end.

High Speed story telling on tv?
Most shows move glacially slow and things only happen on the first and last episode of a season(or mid-season finale).
See: Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, pretty much everything else.
It is genuinely shocking when stuff actually happens.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm excited about 'Under the Dome'
That with Wayward Pines and Hannibal makes for a pretty strange night of television.

The Giver was just awful.
Jeff Bridges doing that weird voice for no reason did not help.

Hey it still beats dying alone

They put effort into pretending to be casual.
Sony probably paid a stylist to make them look relaxed.
They look ridiculous.

The horrible blazer/jeans/sneakers look is by far my favorite terrible look.
It is just so purposefully awful.

You should probably call your cable company.

Man, I should've been an astronaut