
No shit.
I meant at the first shot of Gus sitting in the patrol car, before the jump.

I was too busy wondering how the hell Gus was still a cop to think of the time jump, or him possibly being murdered.

The Man Who Wasn’t There was pretty good.

"Lester, you son of a bitch!" - me, seconds before Widow Hess called him the same.

I prefer the unseen, original ending for Dutch(don't know if it was real though).
The character makes so much more sense.

Apple's Podcast app kind of stinks.

GoT does the buddy thing so well.
Bros. of the 'ros?
One hand and the half man?
I'm down with that.

I know that only Tywin's decision matters.
There has to be a way out. Maybe Jamie will find it.

Tywin ultimately makes the decision.
I'm counting on Jamie to talk him out of it, I guess.

Of course, and Tywin's decision is the only one that really matters.
I feel like Jamie is going to protest strongly, though.

He's not even the real king!
The Lannisters really are assholes.

His head popped like so much volleyball!

Your stern look and ice cold delivery is not comforting.

Missandei is enchanting.
You can't blame Grey Worm for being mesmerized by her.

So the fight is clearly a draw, with the Mountain dead from poisoning and/or stab wounds.
What does that mean for Tyrion?

That was horrifying.
That is also why you don't take pictures with a 'dead' shark.

Fuck everything about Derek.

I just watched a minute of it.
That lady seems like a predator.

That's my favorite pick-up line.
It… um, does not work.

I hate the movie Forrest Gump.
I am a notorious bastard, though, so no surprise.