
I think the world is miserable enough already. There is no need for Linkin Park continuing to exist.

I remember people pretty much always hating the new cast, especially with Will Ferrell and the gang.
The way the show is written is just not conducive to quality comedy.
The cast makes the magic.

I'm a die hard SNL fan. Those comments just make me sad for those people.

The new casts are always a little rough, and then soon I love them.
It's been hit or miss it's entire run.
I have watched every episode since the 80's, if I could stay up, and now there's Hulu!

I will get her to watch Hannibal, and hopefully Fargo.
That is my promise to the AV Club.

Fuck the Eagles, each member, solo crap, note played, and everything they are involved with.
Put The Eagles and Journey on a boat and sink it.

Agreed. I don't get how people can just breeze through something, and dismiss it.
Several of my favorite albums didn't grab me like that right away. It took a couple listens, for me to get it.
I've even had albums/artists in my collection for years, before realizing how amazing it is.

Maybe you'll find someone who just hasn't gotten the chance to see it yet for whatever reason.
There is a great joy in sharing something like that with someone you love, especially if they get in to it.

Hey, that's my dealbreaker!
Nothing says bland and mid-western like that horseshit.
Except Dave Matthews Band, or The Eagles.

Radio is dead. Listening to regular radio is kind of a deal-breaker.
There are so many ways to discover music, and many great services.
I have found tons of amazing music that I can't imagine living without.

Consider this:
Greendale's logo, the butthole, is coincidentally the same logo on Speck brand phone cases.
It's kind of a nod(wink?) to the show, and is fun to point out to people that enjoy Community and have a Speck brand case.…

I'm glad I will never have to endure another second of Austin Powers.

Todd's is perfect, regarding The Following.
I'm very fond of a wonderful, beautiful, and smart woman, who is 99% perfect except
she loves watching The Following with her family.
She's not into me, so what's the difference.
I would binge watch the crap out of that show with them, though.

They shouldn't label it as a full season review, in my opinion.

They should get rid of the bullshit full season reviews when they've only seen a fraction of the season, too.

It's where they pick the guys. The end.

We'd rather pretend those don't actually exist.

Most radio listeners don't know what decade it is anyway.

We must have similar techniques.

This pairs very strangely with 'Sling Blade'