
It's okay, they are spending most of the $226 million on education.
Through shitty television commercials.

Only the crappy stuff is bitter.

Before the opening credits.

You should try YouTube.

Did you get to see 'Desperation' with Ron Perlman?
It was worth watching.
I assume you read both.

"Remake of the Stand" are the only words I saw.

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Who gives a shit about Coke?

"lacks the kind of range that would really make the clones into distinct, and distinctive, characters" - Mike Hale, NY Times.

Those two ladies are my friends, if that changes anything.

That was hilarious!
I don't know what it was supposed to be, but it was great.

I said something like 'she's great, but not my favorite' during a conversation with two ladies.
Both stopped, stared at me, and exclaimed, 'What?!?'
I was somehow able to recover, and correct myself.
Thankfully, I was not erased.

Jost had dead eyes.
There are literally hundreds of people that would be better on Update.

Hopefully he learned something from his Boardwalk goodbye.

I found a strange, small, white triangle in the satellite photos.
Turned out to be my mouse pointer.

Yeah, it's not an actual cult.
I don't think they are good people. Taking $600 from a child is wrong.
I hope they are revealed to be evil.
Lots of churches like that are assholes to people.

No one feels sorry for Stan. He's doing the whole thing in the saddest way possible.
Paige is obviously in a cult.
The music was good for the kill scene.
I'd feel like a weirdo listening to it. That's some Buffalo Bill stuff.

He was a bully, not a class clown.
Kids like that can be absolutely evil.

The kid was a bully. He was supposed to be a rotten little turd.
They wanted us to despise him.
The kid looked 12.
Boys are much worse than that to each other.

We aren't barbarians.
We are trying to have a society.