
They did an excellent job with the YouTube feeds.
Three different live streams were available.
Now they took down all the footage.
Why not keep monetizing it by letting us view it?

Eating the eggs is worse somehow.

Too much creepy for me.

I just want to watch the Queens of the Stone Age full set at Coachella 2014. I got a pocket full of money that is no good.
Give ME a fucking break.
Make shit available, and support it with ads, or let my buy it.
So much great art work is suppressed by lawyers and greedy dickbags.
Artists should get paid.
Art should be

You can't find your own junk internet links?

Greedy jerks.
Supress all art and destroy it so that no one can ever enjoy it.
All Coachella 2014 sets were taken down from the internet.
There was some great stuff, but they would rather see art die than be appreciated.

Awesome episode. I'm too tired to come up with anything better to say.

Full auto or nothing

Amateur internetting is a crime in itself.

Ripping them is a chore. Buy the mp3's and upload to Google Play Music. Back up the drive once in a while.
I wouldn't know where to purchase a music cd.

I would totally do that.
So, this widow is back on the market?

I wouldn't know where to purchase an actual music cd.
Buy the mp3 album(ripping cd's is a chore) and upload it to Google Play Music or just back it up yourself.

The 1990's and record company execs thank you.

People line their coats with aluminum foil to steal stuff.

They meant download it!

Onyx 'Slam' cassette single, from a yellow/blue big box store.
I regret nothing.


Ads bring revenue, so content creators get paid.
I love the AV Club, so I disabled AdBlock.
After the site went to shit, it is re-enabled.

Exactly the same for me.
Maybe after ad revenue dries up they will listen to the people that enjoy the AV Club.

The entire redesign is a pile of shit.
Great content, writing, and community make it worth dealing with.