
The real question is have Seahawk fans ever heard of this guy?

So why not just pay players who generate revenue? Your contrived dilemma is solved!

[Miami Herald Reporter]: And you’re saying he went off script and that caused a lot of the problems?

Your comment got removed by the dickheads he decided to put it back up

Ballghazi was an element, but this episode was definitely a subtle jab at Gawker.

have fun in the greys. do not call out the gawker machine

“This is the only part of the episode you’re allowed to laugh at.”

No mention how it also skewered the white male led outrage culture that is Gawker’s raison d'etre?

In a few weeks we’ll find out Kostek is actually 40 cans of Bud Light in a wig.

Bishop Sankey Dumpoff Option

It’s hard to overstate just how badly I want Mariota to thrive and Winston to bust. The 30 for 30 on the Bucs’ decision would just be so glorious.

Oldheads in Philly still complain about the trade that sent him to the Bullets for Jeff Fucking Rutland....

So this is it, this is how Western civilization crumbles.

Yeah, I think the voice acting is fairly decent in the “American” dubbed version. And for anyone who still wonders why it was dubbed in the first place, in that era, popular culture in the US was a lot more limited than it is today, or even than it was in, say, the 90s. The majority of Americans had probably not seen

This is exactly right.

Musta taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

good lord. has any sports league ever been less about the actual game itself? i dont even need football at this point in my life, i can just skip the 19 or so weeks of games and still have and 30+ weeks of stupid decision making and millionaire egomaniacs to keep me more than entertained.

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

I didn’t think I would ever grow to hate Russel Wilson, but now that he has revealed himself to be a human spam-bot, he’s made me reconsider.

Take your opinion to the NFL. They’re the ones who won’t let EA make the game everyone actually wants.