
In Texas football, no matter what level, you always do what the coaches tell you.

As far as Baylor coach cluster fucks go this is pretty mild. Bliss set the standard for all others to follow. What the hell is going on down there?

I think the set would be a 25, 40,42, 45, 55, 60, 62, 80, 100, 200

Let the man raise his kids the way he wants.

I’ll have some of what he’s drinking. Seems to be the special sauce - you can sumble and bumble you way to millions of dollars every year.

Those people are horse’s asses. It’s a terrible deal, but goodness at some point you have to own the fact your son was impaired and acted irresponsibly. He paid the ultimate price because he made a couple of poor decisions. Sucks but I happens.

Amen brother.

Here’s a deal let the guy kee his plane or when he removes the plane we remove Long Island from the rest of New York State. I understand the second option fucks Howard, but it sure as hell helps the rest of us in New York by not having to be affiliated with these insufferable douches that live on Long Island.

I just picked up my 4 th Fj40 that had been sitting in a field for 28 years.After a week under the marvel mystery oil treatment it ot a coil, filed points and hooked up a battery and a little gas in the carb and turn the key and it runs like a charm. Great compression and quiet...the old Toyota tractor motor comes

For most Knicks fans they’re wondering the same things about Phil - would anybody take a chance on a self-important putz with no GM experience and another guys offense (see Winter, Tex) as a GM or should it just be yet another salary dump at this point.

Two words

Take your car back then a few weeks later firebomb the place that should settle the score. I kid, I kid. Kind of.

You’ll have to be fucking Clouseau because they didn’t, well I guess “it depends” is an answer.

I thought most goring happened at the running of the bulls, not the rodeo.

Actually speed in a vacuum doesn’t endanger people - its the sudden stopping or crashing that endangers people - which is often times caused by people driving beyond their abilities and the abilities of their vehicles. Good christ you must be the modern day Barney Fife with his car in the left lane going 66 instead of

This is beautiful in it’s very simply truthfulness.

If you want to police the road, take the exam and get a badge. Short of that move the fuck over.

I lay right on the horn when I pass on the right and give them the one finger salute.

I spend 5 years connected to NASCAR and the Glen was ways my favorite. I’m biased of course because I’m from upstate NY. The wineries around the lake are not world class, but God they can be fun.

An old friend is one of the commanders or whatever they are called at Whitemam. Yesrs ago when he had his name in the side of one I had a chance to do one of the simulators specifically for this plane and like a dumb ass after going through all security checks I had to bail because of a meeting. What a dumb ass I wad,