Did she just shit out a pacer? That ass has magical powers.
Did she just shit out a pacer? That ass has magical powers.
Well I guess the Jalopnik universal truth is now been disproved - Miata isn’t always the answer - thank fucking God. All your goofy Miata fan boys stick that in your cornhole.
Hey Phil, Its not as bad as your stint as the Knicks GM. Holy fuck this guy is an asshole.
There still a franchise there. Wtf
Being a firearm and let the other dude know you've got one.
Collins, I’m down with your assessment. That thing is pretty damn cool.
The winch was super handy this winter when I had to winch up the driveway in Upstste NY. Night+ unplowed steep driveway + laziness = winch use. I just didn’t want to trek through the snowand shovel that late at night.
I do the train from NYC/Albany occasionally, because I sometime commute between the two like 8 times a month. That train sucks. It’s costs more and takes more time than driving. Even with an SUV that gets at best 18 mpg, i’m still up and back in a tank which now is like $50-$60, the train is double that...and figure…
The same car you drove in high school or a car that is driven by someone that is legitimately on your payroll. I will do the former and a good friend of mine will do the later at our upcoming reunion.
That’s the special order Jeep Renegade Douche Edition complete with selvedge denim interior, wahl beard trimmer in the console and your choice of a surf or skate board so you can let everyone know that you’re ready to brodown.
This is the special order Jeep Renegade Douche model AKA broverload model.
This 1,000 times this. I have four beat three beat fj40's laying around just for parts. Every time I see a thrashed 40 I buy it.
Well in NYC we know that the subway is a form of transport, not a fucking social club or a place to meet new people. Get in shut the fuck up, look at the ground or the gaze aimlessly out the window and be transported to your destination. Christ you midwestern rubes get it straight.
No when that happens they call in Toyota Land Cruisers. When the Land Cruisers get stuck they call in the Mogs
Those people found funneling information about our internal goal wrangling techniques to any Gawker site will face repercussions
Stealing an old duster full of electricians tools in Boston. When said Duster was started it was loud and we heard it 5 floors up and we proceeded to run down to my car and chase that son of a bitch up up into roxbury where that mother fucker jumped out of a moving car as he was driving into a project. Whereabouts the…
Disney just invested $250 million in Draft Kings (It’s in the Huffpo article as well).
Bubba...where the fuck do you live? In New Jersey it’s more like Zahoor, Kaleem, or Ahmed.
Or if you’re in the US, simply pull your handgun from the center console and shoot the mother fucker right in the face. Problem solved. That also teaches your kids a valuable lesson - don’t be an asshole on the road and threaten people because you never know when some mind mannered dude may have a concealed carry…
I cannot like this comment enough.