
I wonder what she's trying to say.

Stop naming this fucking storm. You're ignoring your own advice.

Fuck, I have some many of these stories it's absurd.

I guess the Packers are sinners I mean after all the 8th commandment is Thou shall not steal.

1) I can assure you they know the games they won or lost no matter what some book says.

I was passing a guy towing a trailer full of landscaping gear on I-40, that trailer cut loose and and pushed me right into the center median before it bounced off my car and shotgunned back across the right lanes of the highway where it caught air and vaulted out of sight into the woods.

I'd like to stare at Bill Simmons for 10 minutes getting beating by some hooded dude welding a tire iron.

I always thought that and the weather radio were the very best features on my 2001 Rover Discovery . I always wondered when they just didn't make them standard or mandatory equipment on all cars.

Being as non religious as they come, I think it would be pretty damn funny if I was proven wrong if Jesus and his black boyfriend made an appearance at that church in Wichita.

I saw you run into my Rover

No wonder Nissan get their ass kicked by Toyota, even the Scion guy knows that a Q&A has to contain questions and well you know answers, the Nissan guy that was there for the Q&A on the Nissan Titan (code name - ugly as sin in a big black pot) couldn't even figure that out.

The Titan is ever-so-slightly smaller than the dominant full-sizers, but with a Cummins turbo-diesel V8 and 12,000 pounds of towing capacity. It's here to woo F-150, Ram, and Silverado buyers with more power and better fuel economy, and Rich Miller, the Titan's chief product specialist, is here to tell you why. Ask

Did you purposefully design this truck to cement Nissan's also ran status in the domestic pick-up business because you really work for another manufacturer?

Hello Heaven's Gate guys. If you didn't off yourselves, you'd be the respected elders of the wack jobs now and into the foreseeable future.

Goodness my fj40 lives outside and I'm in upstate NY where we pretty routinely have temps (not windchill) below zero. I let that sucker warm right up, even after a good while warming the temp gauge barely moves, but I'm happy in the knowledge that the engine's blood is at least warmed a bit. Shifting for the first few

The 400GT without a doubt, in fact I may just bid on it.

This is 100% correct, but I'm not so sure that unbundling benefits ESPN. There are way fewer sports fans out there than most of us are led to believe. At some point an affiliate will tell ESPN to sod off during re-negotiations and let them go 100% dark and once that happens the emperor will have no clothes. Some fans

Cue every dipshit wanna be high school team doing this next year.

Just once I'd love to see those straps break and have that thing thrust right through the ass end of the garage. In fact, I'd like to see if happen with this very car, simply because of that fart can muffler.

The 2015 Dodge Challenger Hellcat driver, 34-year-old Lance Utley of Winter Park, CO, was traveling northbound on Riverdale Rd. The driver lost control to the right, then overcorrected and lost control to the left, and struck a tree head on. There were two additional occupants in the vehicle. The driver was charged