
Well said. Ellison may abuse women, but at least he’s a liberal woman abuser. Keep your eye on the prize, doesn’t matter if a few people get raped on the way.

Yeah, nobody should believe a lying woman. They are known liars. Besides, think of your sons and your fathers, they could be the next Ketih Ellison!

Agreed. BOTH SIDES are terrible.

Thank you! I’ve been saying Democrats are innocent and Republicans are guilty for a long time, but people seem to think that’s biased for some reason.

Absolutely, Ellison may abuse women but he does to a much smaller extent than those evil Republicans.

The difference is that Ellison is a rapist, while Kavanugh was a just a beer lover. #feminism

Whatever makes Democrats feel better about voting for a wife beater. No need to get defensive, everyone already knows you’re hypocrites.

Oh come on, now! Keith is a liberal rapist. Please stop painting him like a monster like Bret Kavanaugh.