Russell Flowers

Unsterilized safety pins are the real killer.

Does anyone know if this is an intentional mini-series (like 11.22.63), or do they hope to have an open-ended number of seasons?

"What would America in 2020 look like after four years of an Evil Obama administration? "

I think King said that "Cujo" was one of his favorite books, he just wished he could remember writing it.

He worked for John Ridge, father of the heroin addict. Check out IMDB, they even list him as "Goon" :D

To paraphrase Chekov… if you introduce a goon in one scene, he must absolutely kick the living shit out of someone in a later scene.

If not, someone should.

It's a song that's easy to hate.

And I was cautiously optimistic.

They used to practice a certain kind of neutrality. These days, the writers seem to be just another pack of thoughtless lefties.

So for the price of free 2 day shipping on many items PLUS streaming, you can get… just streaming.

"An integer greater than one is called a prime number if its only positive divisors (factors) are one and itself."

"I understand he a cab to catch, and well…"

Pilot idea : How I Met My Kids

Could be stupid AND fake…

Ok, but 4 => "quad" or "tetra"… 5 => "quint"… am I missing something? I mean I know the joke is everyone is being overly pedantic, so maybe missing that we're talking about FIVE movies is part of the joke? if so, then ignore my comments! :)

I may be missing the joke here, but that's 5 movies anyway. Make it a Quentin Quintology.

Over all, I liked it. But I can't help feeling that J. Peterman would congratulate James Franco on a job… done.

"…Democrats would actually say."

It's a German derivation.