well the pot shirt gets young people going “yeah, right on” and old people asking “...... is that true....?”
and we’re off!
well the pot shirt gets young people going “yeah, right on” and old people asking “...... is that true....?”
and we’re off!
I personally find Jimmy Fallon to be the least-funny person I have ever seen on TV. Kevin Nealon is a close second.
And not just not funny, it is like he could rob something funny OF it’s funny. He sucks the funny right out of bits.
I don’t hate him. Don’t even dislike him. I bet he is a sweet guy. I just do not see how…
Love this chick. Great curves, great brain, total package.
My father owned a series of these, trading it in every two years for a brand new one. In 1984 and 85 we pulled a trailer made from the back end of an old pickup truck. That little 4 speed, 4 cylinder, 2.2 litre engine pulled a whole pallet of red bricks - one ton - in that trailer.
We moved all our possessions when we…
Maybe in 70 years people can be posthumously pardoned for convictions under draconian marijuana laws.
Heh heh.... that’ll never happen...
I have ever episode of WKRP... with the original music and some tiny trims (they do that for syndication).... all of it looks like it was gleaned from VHS, recorded off a Nashville TV channel....
I could google drive it to you if you wanted....
nerve impulses are a bit off when you have fibromyalgia, so you feel like you gotta pee when you are only 20% full. your choice is to piss every hour or suffer until you are full.
Cannabis helps make this easier.
1) I personally know at least 4 people who cured their stage 4 cancer with cannabis oil
2) there are countless written, audio, and video testimonials of people explaining how they cured their cancers with cannabis oil.
3) the US owns a patent on the anti-cancer properties of cannabis: http://www.google.ca/patents/US66305…
sometimes advice isn’t “here is what you should do...” like when they can’t figure out their car insurance or something, you can give definite advice. some advice is just suggestions and weighing options. This often helps the person assess the issue from an angel they might not have looked at it from before.....
Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits US National Cancer Institute
lived here since 94 and it always sucked and everyone bitches about it
See DeNiro shirtless in Dirty Grandpa? I wouldn’t fight that guy.
If DeNiro went after Trump it would likely look like the beating Sonny gave Carlo in The Godfather.
I have heard that we do in fact have world-class restraurants here.
But transit is a joke, man. a fucking embarrassment. for a city this wealthy, doubly so,
we are in a valley. so some summers it feels like Saigon. humid like you wouldn’t believe. we get like 15 good days of weather a year. it is always TOO something. cold. hot, damp, windy....
the problem is, that is ALL Ottawa has. oh, look, parliament, oh, look a canal that is also a skating rink in winter, oh look, tulips.
Nice if you like dull. torture if you don’t. especially for anyone 12-19 yrs old
I personally know people who had stage 4 cancer, used cannabis oil, and cured it. no chemo, no rad...
I hate when I find out that people I liked are part of a twisted sex/murder cult