That marijuana was bad.
“Leads to hard drug use.” - false
“Causes brain damage.” - false
“Many times worse for lungs than tobacco.” - false
“Causes or exacerbates mental illness.” - false
“Causes impairment so you can’t drive..” - false (mostly)
That marijuana was bad.
“Leads to hard drug use.” - false
“Causes brain damage.” - false
“Many times worse for lungs than tobacco.” - false
“Causes or exacerbates mental illness.” - false
“Causes impairment so you can’t drive..” - false (mostly)
You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl. Especially when they are from Quebec.
If you like Force Quitting your applications, then yes, you should.
at least she has tobacco to keep her voice healthy. (Jesus, the sight of a woman smoking is just puke-inducing)
Smoke pot. Often.
yeah, MEANWHILE..... Mr. Handsome is doing fuck all to stop the dastardly terrorist group calling themselves the RCMP from raiding marijuana dispensaries. Yay, refugees (and I am all for this), but people who already live here - sick people, dying people - are being harassed and publicly maligned by the federal…
Hate This Asshole.
imagine how gorgeous she would be if she hadn’t been chain smoking for the past 35 years
there is only one thing uglier than a woman smoking: a woman talking while she has a cigarette in her mouth.
tobacco smells like someone took a dog turd, soaked it in dandelion killer, dried it, and set it on fire. and that is what smokers smell like.
judging by the voice..... it was lung cancer
“I am gonna buy SO many cigarettes with all the money I made!”
Ottawa is the stupidest place on earth
his sister Dum Phat will be please
strip me down for parts
burn the rest to ash
sprinkle it in the Lake Of Two Mountains
most of these clothes look like hookers’ clothes from 80’s sitcom Night Court.
You can really hear the tobacco rasp coming in nicely. She is no Joni Mitchell, but still pretty smokey.
I was 16 and my fat dumpy parents offered me $1000 to cut my hair and keep it short for a year.
Not cash... I would get the money in one year after they cashed the RRSP (canadian thing, look it up).
I told them no way. Gimme a grand now and I will cut it and keep it short for a year, but trust them to pay me a year from…
He’d have twice that time if he were caught selling marijuana. Let that sink in, folks.”
My wife has epilepsy. A rare and hard-to-treat form of epilepsy that does not respond to pharmaceutical medications. They exacerbate the seizures, actually, so she uses marijuana in various forms and is under 24/7 supervision.
For the most part, she is fine. But many times a month, she will go into these mild seizures,…
Um, Susan Sarandon. How are we even discussing this?