There are two people in the entertainment world who own the characters they created: Paul Rubens invented and owns Peewee Herman..... Cassandra Peterson gradually developed and gradually acquired the right to her character Elvira.
There are two people in the entertainment world who own the characters they created: Paul Rubens invented and owns Peewee Herman..... Cassandra Peterson gradually developed and gradually acquired the right to her character Elvira.
yesterday i was doing shoulders and thighs
8 pulls on the lat pulldown
go to leg extend
8 of those
rest 3 min rehearsing shakespeare
the Mr. T bit isn’t anti-gay. lots of the other bits are....
well, asshole...... for one thing, Wick basically has superpowers. His skills are cartoonishly good, his gunplay is wildly unrealistic. Good LUCK trying to imitate him (although, living, as I do, in Ottawa, I must confess to a lot of Wick-ian fantasies)
But Incels like Arthur-cum-Joker, however, are a dime a dozen. I…
My life is such a mess that a kid would only suffer in it’s proximity. So I do not regret having kids.
What hurts is that I never got the choice. I have never ever been anything close to a position where I could take care of myself reasonably, or even have a pet.
So, because of circumstance, I was robbed of the choice.…
and while frying this pathetic piece of sliced crap, give your life choices and good hard think while you are at it......
she is so fucking gross, man. I bet she is sticky. She looks sticky.
Scoffing Adults: “Greta Thunberg is a puppet.”
Same Adults: “Ugh. My fucking 16-yr-old won’t do a THING I tell her. Insolent, pushy little so-and-so.....”
*Offer Unavailable In Ottawa
shoulda just beat him bloody
“I think I will just light up a smoke here at the Pride Parade. No one else matters.” - Ottawans
“I miss to be touched” is such good Celinese, the product of her French-Canadian upbringing and speaking English for over 30 years. It’s idiosyncratic yet entirely intelligible and moving. Pure poetry.
Yeah. Nothing more endearing than an affectation.
Oh, please. Who is still dumb enough to believe a word coming out of Arabia?!?!?
We haven’t seen Baron since the Epstein thing broke.
Just sayin’....
Look, when Tom Cruise is in an interview, people aren’t, like, ‘What’s it like to be a leader of a psychotic kidnapping/murder cult?’
Why IS that?, one wonders.....
fffffffFFFFFFUCK the rich.
I live in Ottawa. The most culturally-retarded pudunk backwater in all of Canada - and it is our fucking capital city!!!
So here is a little guide for visiting Ottawa that I have been working on.
How To Seem Like A Local In Ottawa
I prefer the John Wick method.
I am a complainer.
But my complaining is valid.
The world sucks.
From the micro to the macro, there is a lot to complain about.
The thing I complain about most is how it doesn’t need to be this way.
Most of the shit I complain about is easily fixable - we have the means. We just choose not too because we are - collectively…
I showed up at Ottawa Pride Parade looking like this: