Russell Barth

One could also attach a sharp blade of some kind to the end of the noodle so the pricks who crowd you will end up scratching their shit for their troubles.

I hate living in a world where trash bags like this live in luxury and good people live in poverty

It goes without saying that Nic Cage will be playing Rick Sanchez in the live action Rick And Morty movie......

lets try to recreate a disaster that happened by accident because an idiot smoked a joint before a press conference and uttered the words “free concert”....

That is what happened. Taking Woodstock. The book written by the idiot who said it.....

Don’t forget that Ottawa is hosting an equally-as-lame “Woodstock” the same weekend.
Here is the best part: Woodstock is like the biggest pot head festival in the history of pot head festivals.... Ans.....Pot is legal in Canada and you can walk down the street smoking it.... but not INSIDE the stadium.

How fucking lame

I bet there are a lot of yuppie assholes regretting the day they named their daughter Daenerys after THAT last episode, eh?

I play on a keyboard mouse situation and now have “tennis elbow” in my left arm and haven’t been able to play since February.
If the pain i get typing even 50o words is any indication, I bet I could play for 5 min before having to quit.
I am distraught.

woman dumps me while i was in the psyche ward
takes up with our friend
I had to go to the house to pick up my stuff
wet fuck stain on the bed

“Julia Jacklin’s sophomore album, Crushing, opens with a song about her boyfriend getting dragged off a plane for smoking a cigarette.”

Good. fuck the both.

Nothing says “Foppish douchebags” like a destination wedding.

Whether you are making your friends pay, or you pay the whole thing, it smacks of privilege and foppery.

I hate living in a world where this rotten hag is rich and famous but my wife lives in poverty


To All The Underaged Girls I’ve Loved Before - A Memoir - by Woody Allen

Now playing

How was my day?
some rando chased me and my wife and sprayed us with bear spray or something.

I bet she says is with such overwhelming self love.... the way a hillbilly sighs out the name “Jayzuss....”

has there ever been a person more in love with themselves?
Madonna, maybe....

Drake is a teen-grooming pedophile creep. Stop posting stories about him.

me and everyone who has actually tried, but....

If I cared about you and your well being I would suggest you do like I do and use cannabis instead of suicide-inducing SSRIs.....