Russell Barth

I am the event co-ordinator for 420 Ottawa 2017, 18, and 19.

Yes, you got the Waldos story right.
But there is more:
In 1994, Danna Rozek and Cindy Lassu had the idea of holding a public April 20th 4:20 celebration, in hopes of making April 20th the annual international day of cannabis celebration. Or, in Vancouver, at

yeah, well, i was born 1969 and it was when these things were new, so, that year. whenever. 

I was like 7 or 8 years old and I was from a small town just outside Montreal. this is like `78 - `80.

i was in LA’s Farmer’s Market, and was checking out the toy store. My parents were outside, nearby, whatever.

So this scruffy looking guy with like a short sleeve’d plaid shirts and dad shorts. sneakers.

He buys one of

Drake is a grooming pedo turd.

scientology is a cult that kills and enslaves people. she is insane

Gettin’ all gussied up for the hillbilly formal!

The Marc Emery of late night

Great. Now even pot sucks because fucking Kardashians can’t keep their faces off of things.

more hollywood whitewashing

if that album had come out 18 months sooner or later, it would barely have charted

So... Dora has tits now?
Fucking Hollywood...... Creepy fucking weirdos.

of course, cocaine is a major factor in this equation....

Republicans (conservatives in Canad’uh) are that special mix of insane, stupid, and cruel

Fuck everyone involved in this show in the strongest possible terms.

McCarthy should have at least worn a fake nose, she looks NOTHING like Lee Israel 

It does.
Seriously, Beth?

I would love to get into - and badly need - talk therapy.
But experience has shown.... that the first five sessions would be spent trying to teach this smarmy little prick fresh out of shrink school.... that cannabis is a therapeutic medicine and not the addictive drug their pharmaceutical-lobbyist-controlled schools

Wow. Used to think highly of this woman. Now I think she is a turd.

The only thing lamer than this promises to be.... is the Woodstock-ish show they are throwing in Ottawa that weekend.

Get this: Pot is legal in Canada. You can walk down the street smoking it in Ontario. But.... not at Landsdowne Park where the event it being held.

So.... huge concert to honour the biggest pothead

Cannabis is safer and more effective.