It does.
Seriously, Beth?
It does.
Seriously, Beth?
I would love to get into - and badly need - talk therapy.
But experience has shown.... that the first five sessions would be spent trying to teach this smarmy little prick fresh out of shrink school.... that cannabis is a therapeutic medicine and not the addictive drug their pharmaceutical-lobbyist-controlled schools…
Wow. Used to think highly of this woman. Now I think she is a turd.
The only thing lamer than this promises to be.... is the Woodstock-ish show they are throwing in Ottawa that weekend.
Get this: Pot is legal in Canada. You can walk down the street smoking it in Ontario. But.... not at Landsdowne Park where the event it being held.
So.... huge concert to honour the biggest pothead…
Cannabis is safer and more effective.
she advocates spanking kids
she is a shit head
i hate living in a world where this moron has a tv show
cannabis is safer for kids than soda, and you give soda to toddlers
The only thing lamer than this promises to be.... is the Woodstock-ish show they are throwing in Ottawa that weekend.
Get this: Pot is legal in Canada. You can walk down the street smoking it in Ontario. But.... not at Landsdowne Park where the event it being held.
So.... huge concert to honour the biggest pothead…
Ottawa’s Unique 420 History
humanity will end in their lifetime, so yeah, they are a bit bummed
Micronauts, yo. Micronauts.
you should never talk to them again and also put their names and faces on line so people know to shun them.
America is a shit hole full of racists and the place only held 600
Charlie was 5 foot 1 and half
Matt is 5 foot 9
it is a complex situation
they were not so innocent when they met him, according to charlie
tex especially. and atkins was a full-tilt psycho before she ever met charlie
“BZZZZZZZTTTTTTTT.” - Trent Reznor’s phone
I bet she spends 45 min every morning looking at herself in her phone, practicing looking bored.
Nothing less appealing that a person who has that bored/condescending look on their face, and it is an affectation that a lot of young women are adopting because of this person and celebs like her.
Take heed: I am a problem gamer and it is no joke.
Beware a game on Steam called Oxygen Not Included. Highly addictive.
I live in Ottawa.
The funnest thing, for me, is going downtown in summer and seeing the families. You got mom and dad, walking around, looking at the buildings and stuff. Little kids, hopping over steps and cracks in sidewalks, kids don’t give a crap they can have fun or be bored anywhere.
But the 12-17 years old…