Russell Barth

Tobacco has rotted out her brain


She is just nauseating....
A big part of what I find so sickening about her is that she was a cute and charming young lady until she discovered tobacco and cocaine and Rx drugs

This guy has lived far too long, in my opinion.

journalism is dead. in canada it’s corpse is a stinking mess of booze shit

1) The voice. She sounds like Patty and/or Selma Bouvier when she talks
2) The body. She looks limps and soft and out of shape.
3) The teeth. She must spend more money each month on dental bleaching and other things to keep them NOT looking like goblin turds from all of the tobacco she uses..... than most people spend

Cocaine really is an evil drug, isn’t it....?

Amy going more than a day or two without wine?

try a pressure cooker with an oshawa pot. look it up, it is super awesome

another good idea is to tow it away then set the gas guzzling piece of shit on fire

Fuct up cult.

The CannAdonis Project

The walking turds that pass for “journalists” in Canada is truly appalling.

If I had an Infinity Gauntlet, I would sit there snapping for like a half hour.

My wife and I are in a cult. There is just the two of us. There is not leader, and no dogma. But the sex is awesome.

Piss on this grooming creep. He supports the Hell’s Angels by buying and wearing their swag, and he is grooming Millie Bobby Brown in hopes of de-flowering her as soon as she is “legal”.
Fuck Drake in the STRONGEST possible terms.

she is so utterly repellent. she always looks drugged out, tired, smelly, and sticky. Her voice is where Gollum went to die.
She is a gargoyle.

Jameela Jamil is about to get a big less on in The Streisand Effect