
As an American with absolutely no Italian heritage, I believe the correct pronunciation is "ju-JAR-oh". I've never actually heard anyone pronounce it. But given the amount of dopes I've heard say "Gall-ar-do" I can't imagine that you can just take someone's word about it.

Smooth as a baby's bottom.

1. Take car with sporty credentials.

Am I a child because I giggled at "Space Suit Assy"?

Dammit. Everyone came here to post this.

Landau bars make me physically ill. I don't think I can get past them.

I, uh... I would totally watch Officer Punch...

Mmm... Jello donut...

This woman needs to get a grip on reality. I know she doesn't have much left, but she should be forced to hand in her license. I hope she gets off with more than just a slap on the wrist, because she was definitely not in the right.

People actually use Facebook chat? Huh...

Crif Dog is still better.

A Delta Integrale... In my city... For a price I could sell my car for... NNNGGHHH

"Hey man, did you see that thing I posted on Tulalip?"

Only $5.99 on the app store.


I think a lot of Star Wars stuff is just based on the fact that it sounded cool at the time. That's how I feel about the passing reference to the Clone Wars in the original, or how Leia calls Han "laser brain" in Empire Strikes Back. THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE.

Given that parsecs are a measure of distance, it takes however many parsecs there are in the Kessel Run...

This is news? Listen. Any soda will make you fat. If you're serious about losing weight, DON'T DRINK ANY. Period, the end.

This is both gadget related AND puts me in a better mood! This is why I come to Giz.

I guess you just don't see eye-to-eye with these guys.