
And something about that cover makes me think they’re trying to fool our eyes into seeing a (more typical) V-6 or V-8. I want a nice, long and asymmetrical engine cover on my straight six, not the generic chevron-rectangle thing.


When I read “sedans are hot right now” I feel like I must’ve missed a really important article titled ATTENTION: SEDANS ARE HOT RIGHT NOW

This was an amazing set up for a Alfa dig

“A car with the QV potential is a true temptation to be thrashed.”

Plus a lotta bit of FJ Cruiser if Sly was making another Judge Dredd movie

All the points for you. Fight On!

This—power is certainly the easiest component for the average consumer to enjoy, but to Tom McParland’s point, the consumer that only cares about power numbers is easily swayed by the badge as well (and the special details, and the special seats, and “all the special”). And for those of us that care, we’ll still buy

I know where Justin and Alanis stand on this, but is Jalopnik a dog lover or cat lover? Rules: (A) majority (or Patrick) wins, (B) you can’t be both.

I don’t fully get the case for jumping all over this guy. I am however a big believer in exercising reasoning through the categorical imperative, that is to say, if we want to make F1 as safe as possible, it shouldn’t exist at all. But to be less silly about it (ok, still silly), why wouldn’t we just say that F1 cars

Yes but can she Lady-Drive a Huracan to 210 MPH in 1/2 mile?

It’s the Hotel California of automobiles


Twitter cats get hats?

But what of the pelicans?

Poor NSX. Takes ages to come to production, and still can’t get proper recognition in tax shelters.

There’s so much to love in this, not the least of which is solid detective work. Also not least of which is my mental image of James sitting in front of a computer doing a copy pasta of that Jalopnik screenshot. Bravo Alanis!

Man, you’ve got the world figured out. Congrats to you.

Kids are the worst.

Miata is always the answer, including this headlight redesign