
I really appreciate your ruthlessness! I’ve been a patient most of my life (Crohn’s Disease diagnosis at 8 years old) and nurses and doctors have saved my life so thank you for your dedication to your patients.

Thank you for the suggestions. I’ll pick up some more pillows to wedge between us. When he’s not kicking me, he’s trying to sleep on my head like a cat.

Thank you!


The Red Nose Day Trailer read to me at first as a Red Band Trailer (I know it’s airing on TV but there was still a moment of joy).


I’ve had various chronic ailments since I was a child that involved extensive physical therapy. I also went through a female-focused PT treatment after I had a c-section.

I’m a woman and I don’t like receiving oral. It seems like most men just smash their face between my legs and I just end up with massive beard burn. Yes, I’ve tried to direct them into a softer approach but that usually just leaves us both frustrated.

The British MP was quoting an op-ed in the Observer, not The Guardian when referring to pimping out the UK sovereign. The link is in The Guardian story.

Towards the end of his life, Hitler was a vegetarian. So it’s even more unlikely that he would have eaten tacos. People - possibly. Traditional meat tacos - not likely.

I will never forget that episode. My parents came running into my room because I was crying so hard. All I could do was choke out “Buffy’s....(sob)..Mom...(heaving sob)....DIED..(mental breakdown)“ My parents looked at me like I was deranged.

Where is the Funbag? And is it weird that I have an inexplicable crush on Drew?