The Rururr Jururr

I remembered you're in the AF, but forgot you're a lawyer. ADC?

You could still have the same name, the same interior layout, burger puns, etc. I meant using things like the same typeface, pictures from the show…basically anything that could make a reasonable person think you were trying to confuse customers into thinking it was an official tie-in.

I don't know if you can trademark a generic name like "Bob's Burgers," though. I'd think that, as long as you avoided any artistic details lifted from the show, you could open it.

Not! He can.

If circles are used as elements of the characters, it's Korean.

They also give condemned criminals one hour's notice before their executions. Which must make the time served on death row up to that point pretty tortuous.

A squib is a small packet of explosives, like one uses to simulate bullet impacts on film.

Alright, enough, let's bring this pun thread to a Ful Stop.

Hey, we really are the new Roman Empire!

If they don't represent your opinions, then you shouldn't let them speak for you.

Hi! Liberal gun-owning OEF veteran here. Just checking in to let you know that you sound every bit as silly as people who imagine that every gun owner in America is a right-winger.

I agree with your post and the one to which you replied. Plenty of non-NRA gun owners do, in fact. Don't let them trick you into thinking their few million members (and the smaller, even-wackier GOA) represent tens of millions of your fellow citizens.

I'll take gun owners seriously when they start presenting themselves seriously[…]When they stop running out and buying guns because they've made up fears that Obama is coming to take them, despite never having made any claim or intention of doing so.

As one of those reasonable, rational gun owners who think the NRA leadership is a bunch of loons…I'm not very patient with that "enemy of my enemy" logic. The NRA has certainly sold itself as the only thing keeping Mike Bloomberg from coming into our homes and confiscating our firearms, though. In the long run,

Yeah, my mom got concerned that I was getting pulled into a cult when I started reading heavily about the Co$. She asked me one evening what they were about, and was obviously relieved when I said some variant of "Mom, they're like the villains from a shitty movie."

As a longtime Scientology obsessive

you end up with a bunch of people patting themselves on the back for assuming that the accusation is true

I don't think anyone argues that Dylan Farrow doesn't remember being raped by Woody Allen.

Nope, just some dude. Jesus would probably forgive someone immediately for calling him a "fucking asshole."
