holy shit. The first thing that comes to mind is...”You got to Coordinate”
So get up, get, get, get down
Sure, but thats not a counterpoint because I’m not arguing for or against actors making political statements or publicly stating their political stances or using their power for political good/advancement.
whoa...a wild appearance of “dindoo/dindu” outside of certain corners of reddit and 4chan.
it moved and I’m feeling highly fucking conflicted rn.
I’m less mad that he said it and more mad that he just said it in the most weak way ever. Rap has been around for what...40 something years? And his way of dropping it is all treble, no bass? Put some respeck on a slur’s name goddamn it. If you’re going to be a piece of shit in daylight then put some bass on it.…
I agree up to about 90%. The exception is dirt track racing like Midget, Winged Sprint, IMCA Modified
Just wanted to add this amazing jam. It’s from Manchild a group Babyface was in when he was a teen.
Ho-ho-holy shit.
yo, that shit is tight. look at that stance, it’s like the 70s bellbottoms version of stance.