Based on your math, no there isn’t room.
Based on your math, no there isn’t room.
I sure hope they can remove Elon from Tesla. Please fire him.
When I was in the Navy one of my side duties was picking up new kids at the airport, giving them a tour of the base and surrounding areas, showing them their barracks room, and warning them against the more predatory businesses in the area.
You are cynical, and they spent HOURS in boot camp at Great Lakes, and further time at my technical school, pretty specifically trying to keep us from making bum deals for cars. Not to mention, you can get in serious trouble for screwing up your finances in the military. Very few sign up for a second term because…
Unfortunately, spoon fed is what they want. I work as a cashier at a W store and all fucking day I have to listen to the Trumpers bawl on and on about how Biden is responsible for high grocery prices. If only they knew the truth they would glaze over, being unable to comprehend the reality. The unholy alliances…
“In fact, the automaker loses more than $32,000 on every car that rolls off the production line in Normal, Illinois, as Automotive News reports:”
I had no idea so many people here were pro-DUI.
No. He’s a journalist. Take any subject matter and walla, he’s suddenly an expert, without knowing the most rudimentary facts.
The name of the sportscaster in the CarShield commercials is Chris “Boomer” Berman of ESPN fame, not Chris Brown.
As long as us over 6 foot people can actually fit in it to.
I want to read the Maverick article but I keep getting autoloaded to a Root page. I can’t be the only one.
Depends on what you mean by “chemo.” A person in remission can be receiving chemotherapy as part of a maintenance program (as I am, knock wood, crossed fingers, etc.)
And in the Crumblys’ case, they fucked up any chance they might have had of being viewed in good faith when they immediately went on the lam.
Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.
Those dumbasses were fishing where a whale was feeding and got in the way. And sometimes they like to breach just for the hell of it. It happens more often than you would believe that they run into boats, it’s just rarely caught on video. I grew up on the Gulf of Maine - you stay away from whales when they are doing…
I long for the day when 24 hours passes without hearing about EM or DJT.
So could the secret service decide that maybe based on a recent attempt on his life to relocate a former presidents somewhere, like Elba or Guantanamo Bay ?
And frankly ALL of them look terrible.
Crime victim: in retrospect, could have done something differently
Some residents have taken to parking their trucks in a pay lot over half a mile from the neighborhood,