
I own an E-Type and someday when my wife isn’t paying attention hope to add an XJR because I like pain!!

The problem is the “new” continuous Clearance process. FBI, DSS, some private group doing the background and the lovely 86 is every 5 years but the Poly is one of those “whenever”... much like the drug testing.

Depending on your clearance level, the usual interval is 7 years for a TS/SCI. There are programs that require a lower time interval. Polys are amusing times depending on Agency.

Had this exact situation in my home recently...

The market people are ignoring is Africa. China is spending Billions on infrastructure and they are the next natural market.

I’m sure they are referring to Global Market, not just the U.S. domestic market. But that’s still an incredibly high percentage increase.

That’s why I wonder about the timing of Elmo’s push to knee-cap OpenAI’s change to for-profit alongside the desire to raise funds by leveraging his ownership in other companies.

Musk’s Net Worth has increased $70BILLION since Election Day.

No Nissan Altima? I haven’t seen one in months that isn’t dented up, duct-tape maintained panels or just general bumper car looking POS.

These numbers are useless... Average, mean, median? And one would guess the costs are fleet averages, which is stupid for Porsche where the cost of goods varies wildly based on model.

From last night’s reveal-

Unless California is going to drastically increase their investment in infrastructure, I would imagine the response from Musk would be to slow down deployment of upgrades/expansion of the Supercharger Network.

The singular benefit to placing pressure on Mexico might be in the import of Chinese chemicals that are used in the drug trade.

I love this chart. Its downfall is market efficiencies (perfect competitive environment) and that it only captures a moment in time. Otherwise it represents why Econ should be taught in high school.

Mexico exports roughly 85,000 different products into the US (1.5% of total imports).

What it means is that his core belief system doesn’t align with Trump. Vance is absolutely taking an opportunity to advance his own best self-interests. (His ability to earn went up significantly in any post-WH job. Look at the book advances alone, $100M for Obama and we have yet to hear how Biden will monetize his

If you look at Vance prior to being pulled into Trump orbit, he made sensible statements and was vocal about the dangers Trump posed. It’s this version of Republicans that has morphed into White Nationalist, strangely isolationist that has upended sense.

Tesla’s valuation continues to make zero sense from a fundamental basis. Usually Key-Man Risk gets you people complaining about the future of a company, but investors seemingly WANT Musk regardless of the POS he plays in real life. He’s the “secret sauce” to paraphrase Mark Cuban...

Infrastructure Adjacent Commentary -

Musk has enough common knowledge of a subject to be able to wow most crowds. I’ll give him his ability to recall data points that have been presented to him, but this belief he “understands” it all is misplaced.