
Boeing’s largest issue has been Accountants running the company and ignoring everything the Engineers have spoken out about. The directives can never be “Do it for cheaper!” rather than looking at the margins.

Boeing didn’t take the hit in the market a $6B loss would normally generate and people are speaking favorably about their ability to raise capital either through debt or stock. Holding firm to no pension removes an unstable liability Boeing, or any public company, can’t properly plan.

Boeing is an interesting study in “Too Big Too Fail”. The downstream employment numbers, 1.3M people in supply chain, along with this eventually bleeding into the ability to obtain credit cheaply means the Government will need to step in. Even if they settled yesterday, it would have been weeks before lines started up

Kavanaugh amusingly is the one who wrote in gutting Dobbs that “States cannot legally prevent their residents from going to another state to get an abortion, because he believes there is a “constitutional right to interstate travel.””

Via ARSTechnica -

My grandfather paid about $6500 in ‘72 for the one sitting in my garage. If he had any clue I spent multiples of that to have it completely disassembled down to the frame and every, single screw checked... he’d pass out.

I own a ‘72 Series III and it definitely had AC installed at the factory. Thankfully it doesn’t have the stupid rubber bumper riders the US required in ‘73!

30 seconds of typing and this was the result. Musk and his team must be the laziest POS. (I did have to prompt “Blade Runner” to get something close, so it shows intent!)

Thanks for that info... still makes this a BS story since the payments don’t work as reported by dealer rep.

Volvo already has 2025 MY for all these cars sitting on their lots. Blowing out last year’s remaining inventory doesn’t classify as “New Car Deal”.

2025 Audi RS 6 Avant GT - $198,900... maybe he meant this 

DuPont was the first set up numbers that came up. I’m splitting the trade value with what he might sucker some private sale into coughing up. (Normally I would try a little harder with my math, but I had no real idea of where these things should trade.)

First year amortization assuming 7 yr/5% loan/3% tax.

Re Audi All-Road

I tried to calculate the stated payments on an 5% loan including the 3% sales tax (roughly, Texas is weird about local add-ons) and couldn’t make his numbers work.

Helping JustinQueso play with the data farming, crowd sourced articles!

Now I just want to post completely wrong replies with pictures... Endless threads of AI generated images of cars.

Well, he does pride himself on the Wharton degree his father bought for him!

Deadweight Loss- pretty simple term for money lost by either the manufacturer or the consumer from the increased cost relative to the value of the item. That’s aside from the fact its highly inflationary from lower imports causing supply shocks. NO PRODUCER PAYS THIS!!!

Tangent incoming... Google is being sued for reposting articles from news outlets without paying the source. Jalopnik plays the same game most days by just cut & pasting (with citation) citing Fair Use.