Turns over what I presume is an American Passport and then claims to not be a citizen?
Turns over what I presume is an American Passport and then claims to not be a citizen?
Take studies from 10 years ago, link to articles written 15 years ago and create a premise with no testing validations...
We spend as much on Military as servicing the National Debt. Whether or not you come down on Tax & Spend or Modern Monetary Theory defines how we accumulate debt and how taxes are apportioned. But there is still a plan on how much is spent...
You may want to look into who and how the Postal Accountability and Enhancement act of 2006 came into effect. (unanimous consent is a funny thing!)
Taxes - Under Bernie’s plan the option for companies to consider full-time employment 32 hours would have the potential to drop tax revenues for the remaining 8 for hourly employees. No company will opt to pay overtime at a higher rate. Payroll hours are calculated based on traffic flow and seasonality in most…
The studies don’t take into account healthcare, transit or full-time delivery services like Fed-Ex/UPS. Increasing employment in those industries requires 7 day structures and they fail in the 32 hr model. (USPS is already underwater financially, adding more people only hastens the cost elevations on the public.)
absolutely agree with your statement about productivity remaining the same or small gains when measured at 32 hr worked vs 40.
Recency Bias works pretty well, ya think?
TikTok US Business is valued at $45-50B.
Why are you surprised?
Congress is by law required to be part of the DC Heathlink system. They receive the exact same options as residents. (72% of premiums are covered.)
Polestar 3 - 192.9 inches
You’re acting like this is far off from the current pricing for an XC90 Recharge, which is their customer base for this Polestar. Hell, my dad’s with just a few options was $80K. (He absolutely is a easy mark for upselling B&W upgrades!)
The issue of divestment creates its own concerns...
There is plenty of philanthropy that occurs without the press notices or names being plastered on a building. To ignore the number of people who have made significant monetary contributions to museums, educational scholarship or targeted programs.
Pretty good 3 minute watch on the Chicken Tax...
Meanwhile MacKenzie Scott has given 2x the totality of Musk’s Foundation in the last 4 years. Her approach has been “I trust you do to the right thing with the money” and pushes it out the door.
The scope of the national growth and distribution of people wasn’t something The Founders took into consideration. In 1776 the US population was roughly 2.5M, today it is 330M (assuming the smoothed data is correct.)
The methodology has been wrong for the past 3 national election cycles. It only captures the fringe edges of either party and the questions have been “massaged” to the point of being useless. (The you.gov polls get a slightly better sampling, but those are still weighted by people who signed up and therefore have a…
Hertz dumping a bunch of Model 3s on the market doesn’t help...