We only know about the rare instances from the loud individuals who publicly complain. After that leak of owner complaints and the methodology Tesla uses to “handle” them, I’m sure with time a more robust list of issues will be available.
We only know about the rare instances from the loud individuals who publicly complain. After that leak of owner complaints and the methodology Tesla uses to “handle” them, I’m sure with time a more robust list of issues will be available.
Seriously... Candance you’re now writing articles about something Jessica wrote about on Tuesday. With no new information?
Or, maybe I just don’t have Elon’s musk scent when I breathe out...
If you are going to have a discussion about Debt... the argument that matters is Paying the Interest on the debt.
Is that the same software that wouldn’t unlock someone’s car because it was too far below ground level, in a parking structure?
Yeah, there’s lots of info they aren’t providing but rather making lots of noise claiming fraud.
Respectfully, there is not proper place in a Disney animated film for dealing with the horrors and history of slavery.
Pretty standard for the investor to be getting back the sunk costs that go into scaling up a business. Between being a 1st tier creditor and profit participation, Daymond gets paid first and the family last.
But dealerships offer so much more to the customer than direct sales models!
More likely she can’t find someone else’s work she can claim as her own. Whole Klan is fully of wanna-bees latching themselves onto others and claiming credit.
There is no mechanism for the Federal Government to disallow voting in any State. They can take corrective measures to ensure the integrity of the voting process, but under no circumstance can they invalidate the Rights of any citizen as guaranteed by Article 1, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution.
A nice Defender 90 in yellow with a diesel engine... ah, the dream!!
The Huntsville Area has been tied to areospace and rocket manufacturing since the 1950's. Saturn V rockets were built and tested in the area. Auburn has a pretty well-regarded series of degrees related to propulsion and rocket design. (Space Camp is also located in Huntsville!)
Oh, Kim only got through the “Baby Bar” (4th attempt) and has yet to pass the “General Exam”... She’s years from being able to claim that prize!
The legal argument being made continually quotes Sandra Day-O’Conner “The court expects that 25 years from now the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary...”. Several years later, after leaving the Court, she repeatedly spoke about how “That might have been a misjudgment” and “There was no timetable.”…
Having been a 3rd party to a lawsuit where Slack was requested to turnover material, they stood up to EVERY request until a court appointed a Special Master to hold the data. This was Government Agency asking for material related to a billing inquiry. Slack could have folded but stood up for their principles, I’ll…
I might raise this issue, but some government type might have a chip on his shoulder. I’d rather fold than lose my shirt. So, I’ll just check with my dealer, Ace about shuffling my plates.
The XC40 Recharge starts around $50k, so it makes sense for this particular model to start in the low-mid 40's. Otherwise they are eating their own.
This was always about being able to roll the losses over in taxes. The depreciation curve was anticipated.